プログラミングの勉強を本気でWebゲーム化した「CodinGame」が時間泥棒確定! | APPGIGA!!(アプギガ)

# game loop
while (1) {
    my ($enemy_tmp, $dist_tmp) = ("HotDroid",100);
    chomp($count = <STDIN>); # The number of current enemy ships within range
    for(my $i=0; $i<$count; $i++) {
        # enemy: The name of this enemy
        # dist: The distance to your cannon of this enemy
        ($enemy, $dist) = split(/ /,$tokens);
        if ($dist < $dist_tmp) {
            $enemy_tmp = $enemy;
            $dist_tmp  = $dist;
    # Write an action using print
    # To debug: print STDERR "Debug messages...\n";

    print "$enemy_tmp\n";
    #print "HotDroid\n" # The name of the most threatening enemy (HotDroid is just one example)